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0.00 грн.
Packing Scotch 45 45х50m transparent
0.00 грн.
Scotch reinforced 50х25
0.00 грн.
0.00 грн.
Warning tape 30 50mm х 100m
0.00 грн.
Scotch with logo and text on request
7.45 грн.
Packing Scotch transparent 40х45х50m
7.45 грн.
Packing Scotch 45х50m Brown
14.25 грн.
Packing Scotch transparent 40х45х100m
14.25 грн.
Packing Scotch 40х45х100m Brown
20.80 грн.
Packing Scotch 40 45mm х 100m transparent, yellow
20.80 грн.
Packing Scotch 40 45mm х 100m transparent, blue
20.80 грн.
Packing Scotch 40 45mm х 100m transparent, red

Packing tape thickness is 40 or 45 microns. Adhesive thickness 45 microns better use for maximum strength and sealing of heavy cartons in cases of low temperatures, providing maximum cargo safety.

We svoym proposes the customers otlychnыy professyonalnыy tape, vыderzhyvayuschyy Stretch, High load without teryayuschyy svoyh qualities at low temperatures and High.

Individual approach and flexible price policy
Always only the highest quality products
Reliable partner. On the market since 2006
The largest supplier of pallets and transport packages in western Ukraine